Scroll for a route by route breakdown of content warnings. Some chapter titles will be spoiled in this list. If a chapter is not present, it either does not warrant content warnings, or it contains the same content warnings as its source chapter. A general list (non-route specific) is listed at the top with all relevant content warnings as of the latest alpha build.
General CWs: mild nudity; realistic depictions of mutilation; disembowelment; realistic depictions of knife wounds; loss of self; cosmic horror; existential horror; being eaten alive; disembowelment; suffocation; realistic depiction of acid burns; realistic gore; jumpscares; derealisation; forced suicide; loss of bodily autonomy; starvation; unreality; body horror; forced self-mutilation; forced suicide; realistic depictions of graphic violence; self-degloving; realistic flaying; self-immolation; realistic depiction of a bloated corpse; drowning; realistic depiction of burning to death; auditory gore; murder; death; loss of control; verbal abuse; gaslighting; dismemberment; graphic self-decapitation; realistic severed head
The Adversary: realistic depictions of mutilation; disembowelment; realistic depictions of knife wounds.
The Beast: Being eaten alive; disembowelment; suffocation; realistic depiction of acid burns; gore; jumpscare (maybe idk does it count? you tell me)
Damsel: Derealisation; forced suicide; gore
The Prisoner: graphic self-decapitation, realistic severed head, realistic gore
Nightmare: Loss of bodily autonomy; starvation
The Stranger: Derealisation; unreality; cronenberg-esque body horror
The Tower: Loss of bodily autonomy; forced self-mutilation; forced suicide; realistic depictions of graphic violence; gore
The Fury: Self-degloving; realistic flaying; disembowelment; gore; body-horror
The Grey: self-immolation; realistic depiction of a bloated corpse; drowning; realistic depiction of burning to death; body-horror
The Wild: gore; body-horror
The Wraith: body-horror; loss of bodily autonomy; jumpscare
The Razor: dismemberment, self dismemberment, unreality, suicide, excessive gore